RFP Automation Software

Invite vendors, evaluate their RFP proposals, and increase your negotiating power while saving your procurement team time all within RFP Plus’s robust, RFP automation software.    

Automate RFP creation

Take the manual work out of your RFP creation process with our built-in editor and vendor communication.

Customizable RFPs
Customizable RFPs

Create RFPs how you want with our built-in editor, document attachments, or a survey.

Vendor Assignment
Vendor Assignment

Empower your team to reclaim time by creating and assigning RFPs to vendors in bulk.

Proposal Notifications
Proposal Notifications

Keep your team, stakeholders, and vendors informed with automated RFP email notifications, in-app comments, and status updates.

Evaluate your RFPs with confidence

Decrease the time it takes to evaluate vendor & supplier responses with RFP Plus’s real-time collaboration and reporting capabilities.

Compare Responses
Compare Responses

Easily analyze how vendors stack up with a sortable table of all vendor responses.*

Real-Time Progress
Real-Time Progress

Instantly know which RFPs are on track or are behind with audit logs and filterable dashboards.

Vendor Communication
Vendor Communication

Notify vendors when you accept or decline a proposal, or when you need more clarification with automated notifications.

*Vendor results can be compared using our forms integration. Contact us to learn more.

Centralized RFP solution for your entire company

Accelerate your company’s growth without increasing your team’s workload.  A central place to manage vendors and RFP processes across your company means your staff can stay organized & save time! 

All In One Place
All In One Place

Manage all RFP processes, vendors, responses, and communication with stakeholders in one place.

Real-Time Reports
Real-Time Reports

Generate real-time reports and charts for your stakeholders.

Performance Metrics
Performance Metrics

Monitor and optimize your team’s workload and performance anytime.

Simplify your RFP process with these great features!

RFP Management

Vendor Relationship Management


Frequently Asked Questions

RFP Plus is for any team that wants to regain efficiency in their RFP process. RFP Plus provides a collaborative platform where your team can create, manage, and centralize any RFx process your business needs. Features such as RFP tracking, communication, and vendor relationship management empower your team to save time, get competitive bids, and grow.

Absolutely!  You can get started with a 14-day free trial of RFP Plus, no credit card needed!  Sign up to start using the platform today!

Discover the power of RFP Automation Software

Discover the power of RFP Automation Software

Speak to an expert to learn how RFP Plus‘s request for proposal software can help your team streamline your procurement process without increasing workload.